A Few Reasons to Join APA:
- EDUCATION on the History of the PC(USA), the Constitution of the PC(USA), General Assembly, Theology, and additionally, coursework in office software, web design, minute-taking, facilities-management, bookkeeping, stewardship, etc.
- Fellowship & Connectionalism in the Church
- Personal Growth
- Spiritual Growth
- Professional Growth
- Secretaries
- Office Administrators/Managers
- Administrative Assistants
- Financial Staff
- Receptionists/Clerks
- Day Care Staff
- Volunteers
What Does it Cost to Join?
Membership dues are $75 annually. Conference fees vary by location, but a Florida Regional conference can be budgeted for less than $500. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE
Where Do I Find Out More?
Visit the Florida APA Website at www.floridaapa.org.