Meet Heahwan Rim, Transitional Executive of the Synod of South Atlantic. Heahwan is a PCUSA teaching elder who is very
familiar with mid council administration
in terms of its mission,
structure, life, polity, management, and relationships with other church
councils. He has served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for 20 years. He served the church as the pastor of a
congregation, the executive presbyter/stated clerk of a presbytery, and has
served on various mid council committees.
Most recently, he served as the acting manager for polity guidance and training
in the Office of the General Assembly, where he conducted trainings for new
stated clerks, provided polity guidance, and became more familiar with the new Book of Order. Heahwan understands the landscape of the
PCUSA very well as he also serves on the Advisory Committee on the Constitution
(PCUSA) where he has an opportunity to see differing theological views and diversity of voices on the future of
the church.
Heahwan is also a veteran of
the US Army. Prior to his seminary
education, he served in the US Army for 20 years where he was recognized for
his excellent leadership skills. He was
a Chief Warrant Officer in the Army specializing in logistics management. Through his military and PCUSA ministry
experiences, he understands diversity, inclusiveness, and unity (not
uniformity) very well. He received many distinguished Service medals during his 20 year military career.
Heahwan was ordained as a Minister
of the Word and Sacrament by the Savannah Presbytery, served on committees of the presbytery, and he was the
vice-moderator of the Savannah Presbytery when he left the area for another
call in 2004. During his time in the
South, he also served the Synod as the Korean-American Church
Heahwan is married to a lovely wife, Yunkwang, and has two daughters, Nancy and Cindy – both married. They each have two children of their own.